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Sterling Modular Plan B Mixer Conversion Console for Avid D-Command-24

Sterling Modular Plan B Mixer Conversion Console for Avid D-Command-24
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Our Price: $8,400.00

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Availability: Built to Order | Ships Directly from Sterling Modular
Product Code: STERMOD-MXB-D-CMD-24

Choose Side Trim

Add Mounting Rail for Bridge Accessories

Mounting Rail - 1 Pod (Pair) [Add $154.00]
Choose Speaker Platforms (Pair)

Enter Monitor Make and Model

Choose Monitor Arm

Add Keyboard Tray

Slide-Out Keyboard Tray [Add $313.00]

  • Rack Spaces Front: (2) 12 RU bays
  • (1) 6 RU on front of the lower section
  • (1) 6 RU on rear of the lower section
  • Same modular components as "Plan Series"
  • Design reduces acoustical footprint

  • All of our "Mixer Conversion" consoles are designed with the same modular components as our "Plan Series" consoles. The low profile, angular shape, and open architecture insure the lowest possible acoustical impact.

    The ergonomic design, equipment capacity and superior "fit and finish" make it the perfect console for your studio.

    Each of the (2) outer" rack pods" feature 12 RU of space on the top opening, 6 RU on the front and 6 RU on the rear of the lower section.

    For more details on this product, click here.

    For more information on this or any Sterling Modular product, visit www.sterlingmodular.com