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Patchbays are your friends. Don’t let the many holes and small font labelling scare you. A patchbay is one of the best complements to any studio or production setup’s workflow. Just like the analog telephone switchboards they resemble, patchbays allow your audio signal to be routed in a myriad of ways. Build a vocal chain, re-amp an instrument, route your multi-track outputs through outboard gear while mixing or send a copy of an individual signal to two places at the same time. These are just a few of the many things a patchbay allows you to do.

Our experts Richard and Mash specialize in figuring bespoke patchbay workflows for every situation. Our patchbay consultation process involves discussing the best workflow options for you and then devising a template that best represents your new and improved workflow either through a cloud based shared medium or a printable format. Talk to us about how a patchbay can dramatically improve your workflow and step up your recording and mixing game!

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