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Console Wiring Solutions

Consoles of all shapes and sizes need lots of cables. They also need a patchbay setup. The setup lets users access all the console's connections in one handy place. We got that! Our console wiring packages include patchbays and labelled cabling for small and large format consoles like the API The Box, The Box 2, 1608, 2448, SSL XL-Desk, Duality, and AWS. We also provide tailored patchbay consultations that can be purchased as a separete service to help create patchbay templates and develop efficient and intuitive workflow layouts for your console. All our customizable console wiring packages are made from Mogami 29XX serieis multi-channel snake cable and Neutrik Connectors. Feel free to contact us for additional details or if you would like to customize a console wiring package.

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