Best for:Serious analytical monitoring for Mastering, Mixing, and Archiving. When we say Hear what you haven't heard, we mean it. Demoing it against the "name" competition or ANY headphone amp, regardless of price, it really is that good. As they say in the UK, this is a serious piece of kit.
Circuit topology:It uses a single active component in the audio path, while the competition uses at least three. Component quality is the best available. Al mono functions are done passively.
What sets it apart from other Headphone amps:Four sets of headphone jacks, two 3.5mm and two 1/4" no "where's that adapter." The left set of jacks is powered separately from the right for no compromise partner monitoring. Analysis mono functions: you're lucky to get a mono button on most headphone amps; on the Monotor, you get left/ right, right/left (swap), left plus right, left in both ears, right in both ears, and left minus right. Left minus right is invaluable for checking phase and hearing artifacts created when compressing digits files to MP3. It is also great for checking Azimuth for old-school tape users, no tones, no problem!
Where it shines:Details such as reverb tails, edits, squeaky bass drum pedals, AC noise, and the little things you struggle to hear on monitor speakers and other headphone amps can be easily heard on the monotor.
What to recommend to the customer for headphone pairing:The Monotor turns the Sennheiser HD600 into a headphone that outperforms headphones many times the price; I highly recommend this pairing, and it's an incredible value. I recommend pairing the Monotor with higher impedance, less sensitive headphones, but not always; the Audeze LCD X is one of the most popular pairings with the Monotor, even with its 20 ohms impedance and relatively high sensitivity.
Product Features:
Dual 1/4” and 3.5mm separately amplified headphone jacks
Extensive mono monitoring capability
Easy input interface for balanced or unbalanced gear
XLR/TRS combo jack inputs in parallel with TRS jacks
Stereo mini aux input for talkback
For more information on this or any other Little Labs product, visit www.littlelabs.com