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Dangerous Music Sum & Minus | 20th-Anniversary Limited-Edition Mid-Side Processing Matrix

Dangerous Music Sum & Minus | 20th-Anniversary Limited-Edition Mid-Side Processing Matrix
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Our Price: $1,999.00

Availability: Usually Ships Quickly

The Dangerous Music S&M mid-side processing matrix is revered in the mixing and mastering community. Insert your favorite outboard, split your stereo into Mid and Sides and get to work. Juice up the overall top end then de-ess that vocal without destroying the ethereal shimmer on the sides. Take your ‘perfect’ drum sound from a stereo pair of overheads, where the snare is too loud and resolve it in seconds with a limiter on the Sum channel. Peel back the mung from the bass so it punches hard, without choking the guitars or synths. Deploy it classically or experimentally as a most potent creation tool.

We say it isn’t over, even after it’s over. The Dangerous S&M separates any stereo track into a center and side matrix yielding previously unattainable control over the entire stereo field.

Product Features:

  • Unprecedented control of your mixes
  • Separately process the center & the sides of stereo pairs
  • Powerful stereo image width control
  • Insert Loop for Analog Outboard Processing
  • 100% Analog Signal Path
  • Incredibly Clean and Quiet
  • Repeatable controls

The Dangerous Music S&M is an analog sum and difference (mid-side) processor designed to allow engineers unprecedented control over their stereo information. The potential of what the S&M can do is only limited by one’s outboard collection and imagination. The avenues for crafting sound through inserting compression, limiting, EQ, de-essing and other types of processing are virtually endless.

Mastering engineers will enjoy the fact that S&M allows them to save seemingly unsalvageable tracks by altering vocal levels without remixing, by fixing overly wide or narrow stereo fields, or by de-essing aggressive cymbals while leaving the center of the mix untouched.

The mixing engineer can use the Dangerous Music S&M to extract the snare drum from a washy overhead pair, enhance the width of anemic stereo synths, or custom design the stereo image of the mix without altering the tonal content.

Other fun and useful things to do in the mix room include aggressively limiting the center of a drum overhead pair while leaving the sides open and sparkling, without collapsing the width of the image… or how about running some reverb and effects returns through S&M and opening up the width control? In surround widening the rear channels creates impressive soundstage and depth, all done with cutting edge analog circuitry and without trickery.

Assembled by hand using the highest quality components and a no-compromise attitude the Dangerous Music S&M is the missing stereo link for any serious mixing or mastering engineer.

For more information on this or any other Dangerous Music product, visit www.dangerousmusic.com.