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Henry Engineering Autoswitch | Audio Switcher and Silence Sensor

Henry Engineering Autoswitch | Audio Switcher and Silence Sensor
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Our Price: $395.00

Availability: Out of stock

  • 1/3 rack space steel unit
  • Eliminates digital echo in DJ headphones
  • Automatically switches to secondary audio source if main feed drops below a pre-set level
  • Phoenix-type connectors for input, output, and control
  • Two adjustable silence sensors automatically switch back and forth between primary and secondary audio sources when pre-set levels are crossed
  • Alarm relay output activates an external alarm or other equipment
  • LEDs show which audio source is active, when a source is below silence threshold, and when a silence sensor has tripped
  • Gain trimmers for precise audio adjustments

  • The Autoswitch from Henry Engineering is designed for two purposes - to eliminate digital echo in DJ headphones caused by digital audio processing, and to prevent dead air by switching to an alternate audio source in the event that the main air feed fails. The unit can be set to manually or automatically select between two stereo audio sources.

    The Autoswitch offers two sets of stereo inputs and one stereo output on phoenix connectors, as well as a phoenix connector for control interface. When interfaced to a console's mic-tall logic, the unit will sense when the mic is on and switch to a local source to eliminate headphone echo. The two adjustable silence sensors will trip if the main audio source level drops below the pre-set threshold and switch to a backup audio source. When the main level returns, the unit automatically switches back.

    A built-in alarm relay output can be used to activate an external alarm or other equipment. LED indicators show which source is active, and whether or not either channel is below the silence threshold. If desired, the silence sensors and alarm relay can be disabled for manual control. Gain trims are provided for adjustment of audio levels.

    For more information on this or any other Henry Engineering product, visit www.henryeng.com.